Committees and Programs
Veterans Assistance
It's common for us to provide food, shelter, clothing, training, benefits assistance, job assistance, or financial assistance to veterans or their families in need. In addition, we share resources with other Legion posts and other veterans organizations in our area. All genuine requests for assistance are screened by the Post Service Officer and approved by the Board of Directors. Each year we organize several annual fundraisers to generate dollars impacting veterans and important programs in our area. If you want to directly impact veterans, apply here!
Our post supports the local JROTC unit at North Forsyth High School with financial and participation support, including attending various ceremonies and events. The North Forsyth JROTC program is producing some of the next generation of leaders for our military. It is one of the most successful and robust units in the nation, and we’re proud to be a supporter.
Boys State
Each year our Post sends a number of local high school boys to this prestigious program, which immerses high-performing students in a realistic environment allowing students to experience the functions and philosophy of American government and civic responsibility from the city, county and state and federal perspectives. The enrichment program is a long-term investment in America’s future, and our post is proud to hold the record for most students sponsored in the state. We fundraise to cover the costs, and work directly with the students and their parents to maximize the experience—the program always needs assistance.
In 2021, Post 307 will sponsor a separate Girls State event. Watch for details.
Supporting veterans assistance and outreach, sponsoring Boys State, Girls State, and other vital Post programs takes dollars. Our fundraising committee manages our Armed Forces Day BBQ, our Cumming Country Fair parking fundraiser, our Golf Tourney and various “boot and helmet drives”. We can use help staffing the events, getting the corporate sponsors for events and being available for specific fund drives.
Email blasts to members, distributing fundraising letters to sponsors, membership call drives, website management—communications is vital to the post and we always welcome help from members in this area.
The post also hopes to field enough participation to form a Patriotism Committee in the near future, to fulfill requests from schools and civic groups for speakers, veterans appearances and educational programs. If you’d like to represent the Legion and our veterans in community-facing events, let one of the post officers know.